Springfield directions

To access St Peters Lutheran College Springfield by car, rail, Council bus, bicycle please see information on this page to assist you with transport decisions.

Google map

View Google maps here and click on Get Directions

School map

View the Springfield school map (PDF)

St Peters Springfield sport transportation

The St Peters Springfield Sport Bus travels between the St Peters Indooroopilly and St Peters Springfield schools for training. All parents and students should familiarise themselves with how to register for the bus service.

For more information, please call the College on +61 7 3470 3888 or email us at springfield@stpeters.qld.edu.au

2024 St Peters Springfield Bus Transport

St Peters Lutheran College Springfield has engaged Southern Cross Transit as our new transport provider. Click on the images below to download further information.


Southern Cross Transit

Click to view further information and contact details for Southern Cross Transit.