Senior School
Years 10-12

There are few schools in Queensland that can offer such an extensive list of subject choices and pathways as Senior School at St Peters Indooroopilly. Our Senior School encompasses Years 10-12. Across all year levels, our students are encouraged to explore personal areas of interest and develop relative strengths. The Senior School curriculum offers multiple pathways, including:
- Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA)
- International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP)
- Vocational Education and Training (VET) options
The Senior School provides students with a balanced and broad education in their pathway of choice. Students are given access to Career Guidance and Counselling and are supported by a network of teachers and staff members through the Academic Care and Wellbeing program. This enables them to build strong foundations for tertiary studies and higher learning opportunities. St Peters Indooroopilly Senior School students also have access to an extensive range of cocurricular opportunities, including sport; music; emerging technologies; and clubs, service groups and committees.
The St Peters Indooroopilly graduating Academic Results are published on our News pages at the start of each year. Click here to find the latest results.
Year 10
The Year 10 curriculum is designed to help students try out senior subjects before making their Year 11 subject selections. Students are permitted to choose two subjects for each of the two Year 10 semesters. To ensure adequate coverage of key learning areas, the College also prescribes core study areas, including English, Mathematics, Science, History, Health and Physical Education and Christian Studies.
The complete Year 10 subject list (with electives) includes:
- Religion and Ethics
- English—Essential, Mainstream, Enrichment
- Mathematics—Mathematics A, Mathematics B
- Science
- Study of Society and Environment (SOSE)—History, Geography
- Health and Physical Education
- Languages—Chinese (Mandarin), French, German, Japanese
- Business Studies—Finance, Justice Studies, Psychology
- The Arts—Visual Art, Drama, Media, Music
- Technology—Design and Technology, Digital Technology, Food Technology, Graphics, Information Technology, Textile Technology
- Exceptional Learners programs—Academic Skills Development Program, Gifted and Talented, English as an Additional Language (EAL)

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Year 11 & 12 - Pathways
St Peters offers a number of pathways for students to complete their final two years of schooling:
- Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) General and Applied subjects. Studying an approved combination will ensure a student is Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) eligible;
- Registered Training Organisation (RTO) for Vocational Education and Training (VET) – nationally recognised qualifications under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) recognised by TAFE and industry as meeting required national standards.
- Combination of the above. Approved combinations will enable students to be ATAR eligible. Some Queensland Universities will recognise VET qualifications as a standalone.
- International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) for Years 11 & 12 students.
All pathways contribute toward the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE); however, restrictions and conditions apply for ATAR eligibility.
For more information on the options available to students in the Senior School, please contact Indooroopilly Admissions.
All QCAA students are required to:
- Study Religion & Ethics (Christian Studies) each year. Year 11 – full year (six lessons per fortnight), Year 12 – one semester (six lessons per fortnight). In Semester 2, Year 12 students will use the equivalent time for study. The only exception to this is where a student has chosen Study of Religion as one of their elective subject choices. Religion and Ethics is an applied subject and may contribute toward an ATAR. Regardless of ATAR contribution, Religion and Ethics contributes toward the QCE; and
- Study the St Peters subject Life Skills each year (three lessons per fortnight for Year 11 & 12). Life Skills will not contribute to the QCE, ATAR or appear on the Senior Statement.
Subject Choices:
In Year 11 students are required to study subjects following these guidelines:
- One of English, Literature, English Essentials; and
- Five (5) additional subjects from those listed below
At the end of Unit 2 (approximately end term 3 Year 11), students may choose to discontinue the study of one of their electives (not an English subject).
The College may vary the subject selection rules for particular students when it believes that a different arrangement is required e.g. students with special needs.
It should also be noted that to be QCE eligible, a student must have studied four (4) semester units in each of three (3) General, Applied or VET Subjects as well as gaining credit for at least 20 semester units of approved subjects.
Subjects (Years 11 & 12)
- Academic Skills Development Program
- Accounting
- Ancient History
- Biological Science
- Business
- Chemistry
- Chinese (Mandarin)
- Construction
- Design
- Digital Solutions
- Diploma of Business
- Drama
- Economics
- Engineering Technology
- English, Literature, English: Essentials
- English for ESL Learners
- Fashion Studies
- Film, Television and New Media
- French
- Geography
- German
- Information and Communication Technology
- Hospitality
- Japanese
- Legal Studies
- Marine Science
- Mathematics: Essential, Mathematics; General, Mathematics: Methods, Mathematics; Specialist
- Modern History
- Music
- Music Extension (Unit 3 and 4 only)
- Physical Education
- Physics
- Psychology
- Religion and Ethics
- Study of Religion
- Visual Art

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