Top 5 Tips | Back to School

Easing students back in after the holidays

The come down from holidays can be rough for students of all ages (and adults too!). After a seemingly endless time of fun, sun and minimal routine, ‘back to school’ time can come as a shock, but it doesn’t have to. Below are our top 5 tips for easing your children back into College life. 

1. Set up a routine ahead of time

No-one enjoys the stress of getting everyone out the door in the morning. One of the best ways ease into the process is to re-introduce a sense of routine (read: urgency!) ahead of time. Draw on what you know about your child—what support do they need to get ready each day? Create a chart showcasing what your mornings should look like and start getting into the habit of following the steps at least a week before school resumes.

Things you could include on your chart are:

  • A checklist of the things to be done of a morning (getting up, eating breakfast, dressing)
  • Things that your child can do on their own, giving them a sense of responsibility (for example, they might be able to pack their own lunch)
  • Healthy habits for the night before (i.e. reintroducing a set bedtime to ensure your child gets the required amount of sleep each night)

It’s also a good idea to have a look at exercise habits and food intake—at least one hour per day of vigorous physical activity and a healthy diet can have a huge impact on everyone’s overall attitude.

2. Talk about going back to school

Don't pretend it's not happening—sometimes surprises can cause more harm than good. Talk to your child about school starting again. If they’re concerned, listen to them and discuss how they’re feeling. There are a lot of tips out there to help children cope with the anxiety surrounding going back to school. Have a look online or contact our Careers & Counselling teams if you need support. 

3. Set the tone of positivity

Children see more than we realise. If you have a positive attitude about school resuming, your child will be more likely to follow suit. Throughout the year, to keep their positive attitude going, try to be engaged in your child’s learning. Over the years, we’ve notice that our St Peters parent community are great at showing an interest in our students’ school life and work—an incredible, positive base for all of our students to be learning from!

4. Look out for signs of stress

Stress doesn’t just arise at peak assessment times. Signs that your child might be stressed by, or at, school include:

  • Increased clinginess
  • An increased desire to avoid activities through deal-making
  • Attempts to get out of school
  • A return to thumb-sucking, baby language or attachment to a soft toy (for younger students)

If these behaviours arise, talk to and monitor your child. If they last for an extended period of time, talk to your classroom teacher, Year Level Coordinator or the College Counselling team.

5. Encourage questions and conversations

When you talk to your children, encourage them to ask about the year or term ahead. Will it be the same? What will be different? Let your child know that nothing is off limits to talk about and set up times to chat during the school term. Finally, don’t be afraid to talk to your child’s classroom teacher, Form Class teacher or Year Level Coordinator, especially at times of parent-teacher interviews. At St Peters, we’re committed to ensuring that every student learns every day, and we want all of our students to get the very best out of their College education.

Have a happy and safe 2022 St Peters!