Prep at St Peters: What to expect from your child's first year at school

Growing Lifelong Learners

Prep is the first formal year of schooling at St Peters Lutheran College where our students are engaged in stimulating and developmentally appropriate activities in a purpose-built learning environment. Creativity and curiosity are nurtured and acknowledged, fostering confidence and independence from the very first day. Prep students are challenged, encouraged and supported in developing the skills and attributes needed to achieve their goals and explore their interests. 

As our young people begin their time at St Peters Lutheran College, they bring a wealth of experiences and a broad range of understandings. Our academic program caters for all levels of development, allowing students to progress through the teaching and learning program with connection and challenge, promoting personal excellence.

An Inquiry-Based and Student-Centred Approach

The Primary Years at St Peters is an International Baccalaureate school authorised to teach the Primary Years Programme (IBPYP). This means that, under the umbrella of IBPYP, we deliver the Australian Curriculum through facilitated student inquiry and with an international mindset.

In preparing students for literacy, teachers focus on fostering critical reading skills, writing proficiency and effective communication. Engaging activities such as reading sessions, explicit teaching of oral language conventions and collaborative writing projects are incorporated to enhance students' comprehension and the ability to express themselves effectively.

When teaching Mathematics in accordance with the Australian Curriculum, teachers emphasise the cultivation of problem-solving skills, mathematical reasoning, and a solid grounding in fundamental numeracy concepts. Classroom activities involve hands-on learning experiences, collaborative problem-solving tasks and the application of mathematical principles to real-world scenarios.

Developing the Whole Child

Prep students at St Peters participate in several specialist lessons in Music, German, Motor Skills and Physical Education and also visit the library weekly. The children also attend weekly Chapel and take part in Christian Studies lessons. Swimming lessons in Terms 1 and 4 are an integral component of the Physical Education program. Welcomed as part of the wider college community, our Prep students attend both College events (such as ANZAC Day services and Multicultural Week festivities) and Primary Years events (sports carnivals, assemblies, music performances and more).

A Nurturing and Inclusive Environment

At St Peters, teachers and teaching assistants play a crucial role in student wellbeing through pastoral care, fostering a supportive and inclusive learning environment. They prioritise students' emotional and social needs, offering guidance, building positive relationships and addressing any concerns or challenges that may impact students' overall well-being, creating a nurturing space where students feel safe and valued.

Play is an important part of the Prep Program and is enhanced with imaginative and flexible classrooms and an inviting playground environment. 

The support of parents in their child’s education is welcomed and valued. A positive student, parent and teacher relationship is a vital component in attaining successful learning outcomes.

Laying the Foundations for Success

By the end of the Prep year, students will have gained independence, developed positive friendships with peers and adults, and are well-equipped with valuable skills to support them well into their learning journey.

At St Peters, we believe that children are clever, capable and have much to offer in an ever-changing world. Our Prep year serves as a stepping stone for children as they transition into the next phase of their primary years learning and ultimately as successful global citizens.

Debbie King
Preparatory Classroom Teacher and Pastoral Leader